Friday, February 19

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow has it already been 3 weeks since my last posting?!?! Time is just flying right by!!!

The last 3 weeks have been pretty much the same its been all winter - we get warm days with rain and fog the we get super cold temps and light snow then once in awhile we get a really beautiful day (like today!).

We have a fresh blanket of snow coating everything - so beautiful when the hills are frosted from the beaches to the tips of the mountains/hills!! The sky is this baby blue color and the sun is slowly rising over the horizon by 10AM. There isn't a breeze in the sky, the temps are holding at 32F and the water in the bay is so calm it's almost like glass... such a beautiful morning!!!!

I still can't believe how fast my pregnancy has blown right by... I'm already approaching week 35 this weekend. I have all our reservations to head to Anchorage soon to await Veronika's world debut. Her crib set is currently sitting in Dutch Harbor waiting for space on a flight on the Goose, so hopefully we get that soon so we can get it set up before we leave! I am currently packing up stuff I think I'm going to need and sending it all up to my sister so she can hang on to it all for me! Lots of thanks to my parents for getting me the breast pump I wanted and for the cute sets of clothes!!! Love you both lots and lots and lots!! Darn electric pumps aren't cheap and that was our next "big" purchase... but my parents took care of that for us!! Again thanks mom and dad!!

I have some pix of the nursery, I ordered these wall decals I found online - pink, white and chocolate circles and dots. We spent a couple hours taping them where we wanted them before actually making the commitment to peel the backing off and get them placed on the walls. It almost looks like we painted it!! I'm very happy with how it came out (I will be sure to post a pic of what it looks like). I don't know if I ever told anyone but we're going with the pink, white, chocolate, and black color theme for our baby girl!! I still can't believe I have about 5 weeks until my due date!! I still feel like I just found out at week 5!!!

Valentine's Day went great other than the fact that the Cafe didn't have my cupcake order... we went in on Friday was told come back tomorrow - went in on Saturday was told tomorrow once again... so we show up to pick them up on Valentine's day and they say they sold out!!! I was like WTF?!?! I put my order in for them..... so that kind of ticked me off when I was looking forward to them for like 3 days..... my hubby tried to cheer me up by picking up 4 roses and giving them to me - roses don't equal cake... at least he tried.... I got a couple cards from some of the girls here in town - I thought that was cute of them!

Not much else has been going on... pretty quiet and peaceful. Last week I was training the person who is going to temp for me in the office while I'm out on maternity leave. Hopefully everything goes smoothly while I'm out of the office, he seemed to be getting the paperwork down great and everything else is pretty easy to do - mostly answering the phones, cashing checks and putting money on the right accounts (store, hotel, rents).

Uggg my first iPod finally died... it's making these weird sounds when I plug it into the computer and it keeps saying I need to restore it. But when I go to iTunes to restore it I get an error that it can't be restored and I really don't want to pay $200.00 to send it in to get serviced when I can probably just buy a whole new one!! Really sucks... especially when we're traveling around the corner... iPods are a great way to make the 3 hour flight from Dutch to Anchorage pass by!! So we'll see what we'll do with that.... probably deal with it in a couple months when we get back home!

Well I think I'm going to go for my usual at the Cafe today for lunch. I swear Veronika's going to come out either hating or loving French dip because of how much I eat it!!! :P LOL!!! I think it's funny... I'm either gaining too much weight, not putting on enough weight or losing weight and the clinic is worried about my eating habits... I eat, and I eat lots... I don't know why my weight fluctuates so much.... as long as baby is growing great I'm happy!! :D

Ok well I hope all is going great with everyone out there. Rest in Peace to Capt. Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie who recently passed away due to heart problems. You will be missed but never forgotten! Until sometime, TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. Hold the buttons down , just keep trying on ur iPod it will reset it self just keep mashing the buttons..


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