Wednesday, September 16

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well the 11th was not only my Mother's birthday it was also Patriot Day. I was flying my flag all day!

The 12th was Akutan Founders Day where our 2nd Class city celebrated its 131st birthday! The games and raffle were postponed due to no prizes yet. So the potluck was scheduled for 5PM at the Tribal office and I think at 7PM they had a beer "shotgunning" contest. The food was pretty good, a nice selection.

The 13, 14, and 15 the weather has been pretty nice in the AM's letting the first flights make it in, then we'll get a little rain squall go thru have it clear up before the afternoon flight makes its way in after 5PM. The office has been pretty quiet, we're out of cash once again - so all I've been doing is answering the phone and getting paperwork into the computer. The VMA (Video Music Awards) was pretty good... Lady Ga Ga is a trip though... where does she come up with her outfits??? And what Kanye did to Taylor Swift was just wrong!!

I heard that on most of the planes that came in, there was nothing but mail on most of the flights. So they will be super busy down at the Post Office sorting thru it all. Hopefully my shoes and Sephora order comes in! I love getting shoes and makeup!! 2 of a girls favorite things!

I've caught this really bad cold, waiting for our PA to come in (We had a helicopter medivac come in and Clark had to go with them, Clark is Darryl's replacement). So I have to wait for Clark to get back from Cold Bay so I can go in and see if there is anything I can take. I think I'm getting a sinus infection and I'm coughing up this really nasty yellow/green crap from my lungs. Sleeping at night is almost impossible... sneezing, runny nose, coughing, my nose will get stuffed and give me the worse sinus pressure and headache. So far all I'm taking is Tylenol and drinking lots of water. I hate being sick :(

16th - Well the weather is getting chilly in the AM's. Waking up to low 40's but I see it's already getting down to the high 30's at night but it will get up to the mid to high 50's thru out the day. It been pretty nice the last couple days, slight breezes and an occasional rain squall.... but when it rains here it pours! Big rain drops like someone has a hose and are just hosing you down!

The office has been quiet almost all day due to us having no cash... even the store seems to be quiet... maybe it's this rainy weather?? I caught word that the state ferry Tustemena broke down in Seldovia, AK and needs to go to Seward for repairs... so there goes the ferry coming in this weekend....

So far I haven't had any cravings for any weird combinations, though I'm waiting to see if I do! I was disappointed that Hell's Kitchen didn't come on last night... I guess the finale of More to Love was more important :P I've been eating pretty good lately and my hubby is actually attacking the kitchen by himself and making me meals!! For once!!! Do you know how hard it was over all these years to get him to actually set foot in the kitchen and have him cook something up?!?!? I'm so happy to finally see him in there cooking up meals for me now... I knew he knew how to do it but just wasn't confidant enough in his cooking skills. But he told me that with becoming a dad he knows he's going to have to take on some of my responsibilities... so he's starting by learning how to utilize the kitchen!! Makes me proud of him and happy that I can just sit back and be served up great home cooked food!!

Well, sorry I haven't been updating my blog... just seem like I don't have time to do anything and when I get home I just want to nap and relax before eating dinner watching the news or a movie and then watching The Tonight show with Conan O'Brian before passing out for the night... I can't believe I'm already going to be 13 weeks pregnant this Sunday!! I'm on week 12 day 4 right now! I'm wishing hard that there are 2 in there.... sometimes I think I feel 2.... but it might just be me trying to want to feel 2!! We'll know hopefully when we go to Anchorage for an ultrasound. So far I'm still in my pre-pregnancy clothes - actually I feel like I look almost a little better now than I did when we first conceived! I can't wait to actually start showing and looking pregnant and to feel those first "kicks"!! I have a couple months for both those to happen though... but I shouldn't worry it's going to happen!! :D So far for working out I'm just walking a lot and riding my bicycle... I know I need to start back up on my yoga routines - I miss working out at the intensity that I did before... but with being so tired all the time it's hard to schedule a workout time... easy to ride my bike from home to work and back! I love feeling the "burn" in my legs... letting me know I'm getting a good workout on those muscles!

Well all my pups have been doing great! I got their Petco order in, a bunch of new toys to spoil my babies with. Most of their other one's were damaged beyond repair. I like to rotate their toys so they are always interested in them! They are so cute when they see something new or something they haven't seen in a couple months!!

The next nice dry day we have to get out and get our lawn mowed once again... if we keep it cut and in great condition then it will stay short and green all winter under the snow! And we won't have to worry about it over growing before we can get back out to cut it after the snow melts! I'm still thinking about getting chickens... I only want like 10-15 of them behind the house to produce fresh eggs for us to consume! I had chickens when I was growing up and loved having them! This one time, I laugh at Darryl Peterson when he tells me that I already have a zoo with my 3 dogs, 3 birds and 6 fish when I was telling him that my hubby wanted to get a cat... then he even joked about me wanting one of the horses that the Cattle Company got in, and I was like "A horse would be cool, but I know nothing about them." He just laughed at me! So I love animals, nothing wrong with that. When I was a little girl I wanted to grow up to be a vet. But then I couldn't (and still can't) stand hypodermic needles... I think my fear of needles come from the fact that my dad had kidney failure and when I was like 4-6 I was having kidney problems and I was shipped up to Anchorage where I was poked and prodded so many times that they would have to restrain me with as many people as they could just to draw my blood. I would throw fits and fight and do anything I could to keep that needle from coming near me. Ask my mom! So today I still have that unnerving fear of needles. I get faint and light headed and want to throw up anytime I get my blood drawn or when I have to get a shot of any kind. Just a fear that was imprinted in my brain since childhood that I can't shake.

The Geothermal project is wrapping up. We had 3 local guys from town working with the 9+ people that came in from whatever company the City has working on the project. Last night was also the last night for the live music at the Roadhouse (local watering hole). Tomorrow our hotel should clear out and we'll be ready for the next people checking in.

I'm trying to think if there is anything else going on to blog about....other than I'm sad to see summer coming to an end and Fall bursting in with all it's color spectrum of browns, golden yellows and reddish tones taking over the lush greenness of summer. The salmon berry bushes have already shed half their leaves and most the berries have fallen off the plant in the recent storms. The blueberries are fully ripen if you can find them, they didn't seem to produce that great this year compared to last year. And moss berries are big and juicy ready to be picked. My mom told me she got a couple cups of fresh wild cranberries the other day! Still waiting for the morning when I wake up and find fresh frost on the boardwalks.... any day here soon... we always get our first freeze in September! It's getting cold enough to see your breath in the AM!

Ok well I'll try to get on here more and update... need to start getting back into my pre-pregnancy routine of blogging and working out!! Until sometime, TTFN!


  1. Nice to see you back, April....Sounds like your pregnancy is progressing well, really happy for you and your hubby!

  2. Thanks Lauri!!
    Yeah I figured I gotta get back into my blog... I've been being told I'm slacking too much ;)

    Going to try for at least 3 posts a week if not daily again!

    Pregnancy is going great other than the All day "morning" sickness... tired of just sitting and feeling great then breaking into a sweat and trying to find the nearest receptical I can throw up into! Other than that it's going great!

    Always good to be back too!!!

  3. The blogs looks like it has been a "running diary/journal" for a few days. I can tell you have entered /written for it on several ocassions.
    I am amazed you can order shoes via mail, do you end up returning many that do not fit. Shoe sizes seem to never be consistent, especially the width.
    Hope the PA is back you have to be so carful with meds your first quarter


  4. Hello April--just read this blog--haven't in quite some time--but CORRECTION--Sept.12 is actually our St. Alexander of Nevsky Orthodox church Holiday not the City--City's only been in existence since 1979--thats when they got incorporated--so yeah its been & always will be the CHURCH's holiday==its been in existence since 1878---okay thats all--
    John 'n Zen


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