Sunday, August 9

Saturday and Sunday, August 8-9, 2009

Saturday and Sunday, August 8-9, 2009

Well both days the weather was pretty nice, slightly foggy but calm and warm. On Saturday there was a BBQ at the ball field held by the clinic. They had hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, spaghetti and some bacon wrapped fish. I didn’t know it was going on or else I would have brought something! The sun didn’t come out and we all had a bbq in the fog!

Sunday was pretty nice. The sun decided to come out and warm it up outside. We went for a hike with the pups, picking salmonberries along the way. I swear I can get enough to make some jam already!! They are getting sweet too!! So cute to watch Tug pick berries!! We need to eventually get our yard cut up, my hubby wanted to do it when we got back, but I told him the sun would go down and he’d get swarmed with bugs again like last time, so he decided next time. Around 11PM we walked the pups and noticed a bonfire on the beach in town, so we put the little ones away and brought Tug with us to see what was going on. We got down to find all the kids down there with Lisa roasting marshmallows! So we sat there with Lisa and bs-ed for a bit and enjoyed some of the marshmallows (Tug was eating some too, silly dog), we eventually made it home before midnight. That was fun!! My camera battery was dead or I would have taken pix!

Well I enjoyed the weekend!! Hoping we have more nice days, hopefully get some flying days, we only got 1 plane in this month…. I’m just waiting on new movies!! :D

Ok that’s really all we did this weekend… hope everyone else had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Tape fake flowers on the pens and they won't get taken, try it see if it works.


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