Saturday, March 21

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So I didn't shut my oven off until 2AM last night. Got almost all the bread that has cooled wrapped up and put in a box. We ended up sleeping in, I don't know how I missed my alarm clock going off. I ended up not having enough time to make everything I wanted, but I got some bread dough ready at 11AM so I can fry up fresh alaadikax^. My in-laws came up just before noon and grabbed the couple boxes of goodies that I baked up yesterday. My father-in-law came up later after I got done frying up the alaadikax^. He came in at the right time, right when I was pulling the last ones out of the frying pan. I didn't go down to the bake sale because I was still making stuff, but I heard that they had a really good turn out. My cousin called and said she couldn't even get near the tables because of the "crowd" that showed up. That's really good that people showed up to help buy stuff and support the school kids! I'm really happy that I was able to help them! I'm disappointed about not getting any photos of the food or the bake sale...

We took the dogs out on a walk earlier, Dante knows what the harness is and gets all excited, but he's not as excited when he realizes how cold out it is - even with a sweater on! Tug loves the snow, jumping in and out of what's left of the snow drifts. Roscoe likes to be alert and bark at anything that catches his attention, while Dante runs back to me hides and looks at what Roscoe is barking at... LOL

Other than that we didn't really leave the house. We went down to the store around 3PM to see what was left and to get some shopping done. Then we ate at the cafe. Their special today was Lasagna Rolls with au grautin and a salad for $13.95. For dinner I made us ham steaks, peppered bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.

We're just hanging out in the house enjoying the day off. The weather has been snowy and breezy all day. Temps in the low 30's. I guess they are forecasting us to have another blizzard, so we'll see what the weather does. Not too bad out there, just snowy.

Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday! Enjoy the weekend! TTFN...
Pic of lasagna roll special at the cafe.


  1. Thanks April, that was interesting about the subsistence harvests. Well at least Darryl now knows where he can go to get some goodies.

  2. thanks for the pic of the lasagna rolls. doesnt really look like a roll lol. you did a crazy amount of baking ! im gonna think about that alaadikax^.


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