Monday, July 27

Saturday and Sunday, July 25-26, 2009

Well let me see… This weekend was pretty nice… the weather was foggy but at least it was dry! I enjoyed doing pretty much nothing this weekend!

On Saturday the State Ferry came in, bringing a good handful of tourists with them! I took some pix of the ferry at the dock, from off my porch.

OH and hey Mamawas, that YouTube link you sent me yesterday got on the news last night! I guess that couple became overnight celebrities having over a million hits to their video in less than 24 hours! Both of us are one of those million who viewed it with in the first 24 hours! Thank you for sending it to me!! I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it, and then couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it on the news later that night!!

Well we didn’t really do much but sit in the house and enjoy each other’s company. We did clean up a bit in the house, wish we were able to go out fishing.

On Saturday we ended up eating our egg rolls we were going to have on Friday (we ended up going to the café instead for soup). For dinner we ate on junk food that we got from Trident store: ice cream, chips and beef jerky. On Sunday we had pizza for lunch, and I cooked us up a big pot of halibut chowder for dinner (and maybe lunch or dinner again tomorrow!).

I worked out on my Wii Fit both days – loving watching my weight slowly progressing south!! So far I have about 13.6lbs to go to get to my goal weight! Yay!! The only reason I wanted to lose weight was because I figured that if I want to get prego, I’m going to have to put on like 20-30lbs… plus to increase my chances for getting prego I figured I’d better get to a healthy size… With a BMI of 32, I didn’t feel fit enough to be getting pregnant… plus with having that much weight on me already, I really didn’t want to stress my body with the gain pregnancy weight. So I figured if I could get to a healthy BMI, it should be easier for me to get prego and my body should be able to handle the extra weight (hopefully) since I used to be that size already! I am extremely happy to have gotten myself to a BMI of 24.86!! Finally out of the Overweight and Obese categories and entering the normal weight for my size!! I’m surely not used to shopping in the size I fit now! I went from a size 14 to a size 8!! Practically half the size I used to be!!!

Well we had a great weekend hanging out with each other, wish the weather was nicer... oh well… maybe this coming week the fog will go away… I doubt it… Fog-ust (August) around the corner!!

Well until Monday, TTFN!

An Otter playing in front of town.

Salmonberries - shedding petal and becoming green berries

The Tustemena down at the dock.

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture's....Your doing good with your weight loss keep it up everyday, it's easy to gain it back exercise works wonder's...


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