Wednesday, November 4

Attention Alaskan Artists!!

Hello everyone in Alaska –

Rep. Edgmon was recently informed that the legislature would like to purchase Alaskan art for the new Thomas Stewart Legislative Office building in Juneau. The nearby building was purchased by the legislature and has been renovated, including the construction of an adjoining walkway between the two buildings. The access point is on the second floor of the Capitol and is located near the House Speaker’s office.

To properly commemorate the new addition to the Capitol building, the legislature would like to acquire art from all regions of the state for hanging in hallways, conference rooms, and committee rooms.

If any of you have recommendations on any artwork you think would be fitting for display in Juneau, please contact me with a picture of the artwork, the dimensions and the cost. Our office will be glad to send recommendations on to the Legislative Affairs Agency. Please respond either by email or by phone.

Adam Berg
Staff to Rep. Bryce Edgmon
Adam Berg []

1 comment:

  1. Artwork in public building areas is funded with tax dollars, a small 1% type part of the overall building cost. What a long lasting and worthwhile effort.



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