Saturday, April 11

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Woke up to the phone ringing at 10:30AM, went and walked the dogs when I finally got off the phone. The weather doesn’t seem that bad out there, a slight westerly breeze, overcast skies, temps in the low 30’s. The potluck up at the Safe Harbor Church is tonight at 6PM. Still not sure what I’m going to make. I have an angel food cake mix in the cupboard, so I think I might just bake that up with some salmonberries for the topping. I also think I might make some corn bread muffins too!

Most of the morning I cleaned up our kitchen, got all the dishes done, and scrubbed the stove down and replaced the aluminum foil on the burners. Then I dirtied it back up making all the stuff for the potluck, but I made sure to clean up a bit so it’s still clean!

The plane didn't even try today, I guess the weather over in Dutch Harbor was really crappy, while the weather here was pretty nice. So it looks like Sharon and Kristine are stuck here another day. I guess they tried to get a ride on the Gyrfalcon but they already had 2 people that they were taking over and don't have room for anymore people, so it doens't look like that option is open. Not sure if there are any other boats going over or not, probably not. The ferry comes in next week on the 18th though! I am thinking about maybe going over if we have the money, and if I can bring my lil pups!!! We'll see.. it's the weekend before my 26th birthday!!

The potluck was pretty good. Good amount of people and not that bad an assortment of food. I took pix of the food, people in line, and Sharon, Kristine, Darryl and my in-law’s sitting down getting ready to eat. I was happy I made what I did!! Almost all of my muffins were ate up too, so I didn’t have to bring any left overs home, yay!!! And there was nothing left of my angel food cake with salmonberries!! My mom made an awesome salmon fish pie!!

Not that bad a Saturday! Well I hope everyone had a great day, Happy American Easter to everyone tomorrow! Until then, TTFN!!
Before the blessing of the food prayer...
Trying to look down the tables (starting with the dessert table closest)
Starting table - pick up plates and utensils here!
Pizza, fish pie and yams with marshmallows
Ham, roast and pork roast and some cheesey potatoe stuff
My awesome angel food cake with salmonberries, brownies, and lots of jello w/cool whip
Everyone standing in line getting food
Darryl, Kristine, Sharon and my in-laws sitting down to eat and in the corner the principal at our school Art Woodard. I was going to sit here, but there was no seat for my hubby, so we sat at the next table...


  1. Happy Easter Sunday April Dawn. Come on Alaskan Spring weather too


  2. Happy Easter April!!
    Give a big hug to your Hubby, Darryl, Kristine, and and Sharon for me!
    And just give Dante Ham! That boy does love his pork products!!!


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