Friday, February 20

Friday Night, Feb 20, 2009

So, the 2nd flight didn't come back in today, started to blow pretty hard, supposed to blow a constant 50MPH, gusting higher. Still 37F out.

So we went to steam bath, rushed there. Ordered at the cafe, ran home and made it down to bingo on time (before start time at 6:30PM). We ate our dinner at bingo, my hubby had today's special, spaghetti with a salad and garlic bread. I had my usual French dip. I brought Dante to bingo with me, I didn't want to leave him it was good to get him out around a bunch of people! But tonight was a pretty fun night at bingo for me!! I ended up winning the big jackpot!!! I was so excited! I have never won jackpot, and I've been playing here since I turned 19! My mom was so excited for me, she yelled BINGO! too with me!!! :D I thought that was super cool!! YAY for me!!!! :D

So we're going to stay up and watch Jay Leno. Then watch the final show of Late Night with Conan O'Brian. I think they said something that Jimmy Falon is supposed to replace Conan, and Conan is going to replace Jay Leno... all I know is that late night is never going to be the same anymore!

Have a great Friday Night and an awesome weekend!!


  1. Winning the jackpot at Bingo AND scoring a big bag of Taco Bell Fire Sauce!!!!What a great week you had.LOL Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Yeah you did have a kick ass week! enjoy your weekend!

  3. Quick question and I hope it is not construed as demeaning or insulting. (I just don't know). You have mentioned that there are 13 tribes with you being Unangan. Does the term Eskimo represent a tribe?

  4. LOL... I personally don't find the term Eskimo insulting, although there are people who will if your using it in a negitive way, but usuallys it isn't construed that way.

    I'll publish a quick post you might find informative. :)


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